Hydra AI

V 0.1.0 Coming Soon

These are draft docs for the upcoming 0.1.0 release. Read more about the upcoming release here. Have a question about anything in the docs? Send us a message.

Advanced UI Features

Learn how to enhance your AI interface with suggestions, status updates, and streaming.

Let's explore advanced UI features that make your AI interface more dynamic and user-friendly.

In this section, we'll add suggestions, status updates, and streaming to our AI assistant.

Suggestions help users discover what your AI can do:

  • Suggestions are rendered after a message and its component has been generated
  • They are based on the current conversation context
  • They leverage the tools and components your AI has access to

Status updates help users understand what your AI is doing:

  • Status updates are rendered after a message has been received
  • They give the user a visual indication of the AI's progress
  • Explain the AI is thinking, using tools, or generating a response

Streaming help reduce latency by sending the response in chunks:

  • Streaming starts showing the user every response as it comes in
  • It's great for long responses or when you want to show the user the AI is still thinking
  • It's also great for reducing the load on the server

1. Adding Suggestions

What's happening here:

  • Get suggestions using the useHydraThread hook
  • Display them as clickable buttons with detailed descriptions
  • Accept or dismiss suggestions
  • Suggestions update based on context
Adding Suggestions to Message Thread
import { useHydraThread } from "hydra-ai-react";
export const MessageThread = () => {
  const { messages, operations } = useHydraThread("my-thread");
  const { suggestions } = useHydraThread("my-thread"); 
  const { items, accept, dismiss } = suggestions; 
  return (
      {/* Messages */}
      <div>{/* ... existing message rendering ... */}</div>
      {/* Render AI Suggestions */}
      {items.length > 0 && (
          {items.map((suggestion) => (
            <div key={suggestion.title}>
                onClick={() => accept(suggestion)}
                onClick={() => dismiss(suggestion)}
                aria-label={`Dismiss ${suggestion.title} suggestion`}

      {/* Input form */}
      <form>{/* ... existing form ... */}</form>

2. Status Updates

Show users what the AI is doing with status updates:

  • Status updates are generated as soon as the message is received
  • They include the 'thinking' the AI is doing to find the right tools or components
  • There are 5 possible statuses: evaluating, tools, generating, complete, and error

What's happening here:

  • Get the status from the useHydraThread hook
  • Render different icons and messages based on the status state
  • Show loading indicators when appropriate
Rendering Status Updates
import { useHydraThread } from "hydra-ai-react";
export const MessageThread = () => {
  const { messages } = useHydraThread("my-thread");
  const renderStatus = (status) => {
    // Status icons for each state
    const icons = {
      evaluating: "🤔",
      tools: "🔧",
      generating: "✨",
    return (
      <div role="status">
        {icons[status.state]} {status.message}
  return (
      {messages.map((message: HydraThreadMessage) => (
        <div key={message.content}>
          {/* Render AI Status Updates */}
          {message.status?.map((status, index) => (
            <div key={index}>{renderStatus(status)}</div>

3. Streaming Responses

Latency is a big issue when it comes to AI. Streaming responses help reduce the latency by sending the response in chunks.

What's happening here:

  • Enable streaming with stream: true option
  • Messages automatically update as they arrive
Enabling Streaming Responses
import { useHydraThread } from "hydra-ai-react";
export const MessageThread = () => {
    /* Same as before */
  const handleSend = async (input: string) => {
    await operations.messages.generate(input, {
      stream: true, // [!code focus]
    /* Same as before */

Setting up streaming is that easy! Now if you want to more advanced control of streaming, you can use the useMessageStreaming & useComponentStreaming hooks.

Which gives you:

  • isStreaming: Boolean flag indicating if a message is currently streaming
  • abort: Function to stop the current streaming message
  • validation: Validation state tracking including:
    • completedPaths: Paths that are fully received and validated
    • validPaths: Paths that are safe to use (even if incomplete)
    • errors: Any validation errors by path
    • isComplete: Whether the entire data structure is complete

This is useful when you need:

  • Show partial updates in real-time
  • Allow users to cancel generation
  • Track completion status of different parts of the response
  • Handle validation states for complex streaming data

What you have now?

  • Your AI assistant can now add suggestions to the message thread
  • Your AI assistant can now show AI status updates to the user
  • Your AI assistant can now stream responses to the user!

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