Hydra AI

V 0.1.0 Coming Soon

These are the current stable docs for Hydra AI. Read about our upcoming release here.


How to use the Hydra AI CLI

CLI Troubleshooting Guide

This guide covers common issues you might encounter when using the Hydra AI CLI and how to resolve them.

Common Issues

Installation Problems

CLI Not Found

If you get a "command not found" error after installation:

hydra: command not found

Authentication Issues

Login and Signup

Error: Failed to log in

Project Management

Listing Projects

If you can't see your projects:

List projects
hydra listProjects
# or
npx hydra-ai-cli listProjects

The command will show a table with project IDs and names. If it fails:

  1. Verify you're logged in
  2. Check your internet connection
  3. Try logging out and back in

Creating New Projects

To create a new project:

Create a new project
hydra createProject
# or
npx hydra-ai-cli createProject

You'll be prompted to enter a project name. If creation fails:

  1. Ensure you have a valid login session
  2. Try using a different project name
  3. Check for network connectivity

Adding Provider Keys

To add an OpenAI API key to your project:

Add an OpenAI API key
hydra addProvider --id <project_id>
# or
npx hydra-ai-cli addProvider --id <project_id>

You'll be prompted to enter your OpenAI API key securely.

Debug Mode

# Enable detailed logging
hydra --debug <command>
# or
npx hydra-ai-cli --debug <command>

Version Conflicts

If you experience version-related issues:

  1. Check your CLI version:
Check CLI version
hydra --version
# or
npx hydra-ai-cli --version
  1. Update to the latest version:
Update CLI
npm update --global hydra-ai-cli
# or
npm update --global @hydra-ai/cli

Network Problems

Timeout Issues

For slow connections, increase the timeout:

Increase timeout
hydra <command> --timeout 30000
# or
npx hydra-ai-cli <command> --timeout 30000

Getting Help

If you're still experiencing issues:

  1. Run the help command:
Run help command
hydra help
# or
npx hydra-ai-cli help
  1. Check the verbose logs:
Check verbose logs
hydra <command> --verbose
# or
npx hydra-ai-cli <command> --verbose

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