Hydra AI
Slack AppsTutorialsTutorial: Slack AI Todo App

V 0.1.0 Coming Soon

These are the current stable docs for Hydra AI. Read about our upcoming release here.


Build a Slack AI Todo App with Hydra AI

This tutorial will guide you through building a Slack AI Todo app with Hydra AI. This app allows you to conversationally interact with AI to create, update, and delete todo items, where the AI can respond with interactive UI components.

Demo of Hydra AI Slack App

What you'll learn

At the end of this tutorial, you'll have a real Slack AI app in a workspace that you can send messages to, and that can respond to user messages with interactive UI components.

You'll learn:

  • How to use Bolt to build a Slack app.
  • How Hydra AI simplifies the process of building AI apps.
  • How you can customize the UI components that Hydra can control, and how it controls them.
  • How you can use Hydra to build your own Slack AI app for a different purpose.

To see the final code for this tutorial, check out the repo:

View on GitHub

In the next step, we'll get the starter app running locally, and install the test app into a Slack workspace.

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